Paths of Magic Teaser #4 - Another Round of Art

Paths of Magic comes to Pathfinder 1st edition in just five days on July 30th!

Today we’ve got some of the awesome scenes you can find in Paths of Magic. You can click on any of the pieces to go to each artist’s portfolio to see more of their work!

Paths of Magic Teaser #1 - Art

With Paths of Magic coming out on July 30th, I wanted to keep teasing more art and content for the book. Today will just be some new art! Check them out below. You can click on any of the pieces to go to each artist’s portfolio to see more of their work!

Paths of Magic Development Blog #9 - The Art of Magic

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update this week. Life’s been a bit busy on my end, and the blog post kinda fell through the cracks this past Friday.

Paths of Magic, by Miguel Angel

Paths of Magic, by Miguel Angel

Rather than doing an update on the rules this time around, how about we take a look at some of the new fancy art for Paths of Magic?

First we’ve got the cover piece done for the book! The nightblade, vanguard, and invoker team up to take on a mysterious lipika aeon; they’ve certainly got the odds stacked against them!

This piece was done by Miguel Angel, the same artist that did our cover piece for Path of the Wilds. He’s also the artist behind the iconic arts for the new shaper and cabalist classes, who were featured in previous blog posts.

Paths of Magic is going to have a LOT of art in it, from artists all around the globe. They’ve been working hard and creating some fantastic pieces, so I wanted to put some of their work on display to get a taste of the awesome things you’ll find in the book!

You can click on each art piece to check out the artist’s respective galleries and portfolios. If you’re ever looking for commissions for your home games (or if you’re getting into writing your own books) you should definitely check them out!